AweSUMM Math Space Success

We want to express our heartfelt appreciation to everyone who has been actively participating in our AweSUMM Math Space events at the Skyway Library and Renton Library. Your support, enthusiasm, and dedication have truly made these events extraordinary.

Together, we have been creating an awe-inspiring math-filled experience, with over 250 participants diving into the captivating world of numbers and shapes. We've witnessed the joy on kids' faces as they learn, play, and discover the magic of mathematics.

Now, we invite you to continue this incredible journey with us at our upcoming AweSUMM Math Spaces at the library! These events, sponsored by MathHappens, are designed to ignite curiosity and cultivate a love for math through engaging, hands-on activities.

Don't miss out on the opportunity to immerse yourself in captivating puzzles, interactive projects, and stimulating math challenges. Mark your calendars and be part of the next AweSUMM Math Space events

SUMM Testimonials

We are thrilled to share a testimonial from Rebecca Hershey, a librarian at the Kent Library, who had a firsthand experience with our AweSUMM Math Spaces:

"The AweSUMM Math Space programs put together by the educator team at SUMM is an important part of bringing youth into our libraries for learning experiences that boost interest in numeracy for our local young people.

Each of the learning modes – kinesthetic, auditory, visual are brought in as modes of play. Youth are introduced to math through games, art play, building, and intriguing tools like Napier’s Bones and Tangrams. Math becomes engaging through a hands-on experience that is varied, interactive, and social.

SUMM’s Educator team is enthusiastic and has built a fine selection of activities, even creating a number of projects by hand – tessellation tiles, a game for counting musical beats, and others. They engage with the attendees teaching, playing, prompting or explaining as needed. Everyone is engaged and enjoying the activities provided. The butterfly nature that many children exhibit as they look at all the activities and flit from one to another is not a problem in the set-up. The Math Spaces are well designed for operating with choice. It is a true satisfaction to watch youth (and parents) find and become fully involved in something they have chosen."


SUMM + Zeno Family Math Fun


Science Sandbox Grant Awarded to SUMM