Our Founder, Tracy Drinkwater, Shines with Science Sandbox

We're excited to share that our founder, Tracy Drinkwater, recently sat down for an insightful interview with Science Sandbox, an initiative of the Simons Foundation. This interview beautifully captures Tracy's remarkable journey and her deep-rooted commitment to making math accessible and captivating for all.

Tracy's story is one of resilience and determination. Her love for math blossomed during her school years and persisted through college, even in the face of early challenges. From considering a math major to pursuing economics and business, and later embarking on a teaching career specializing in middle school math and special education, Tracy's path exemplifies her unwavering dedication.

For an in-depth exploration of Tracy's inspiring journey, click the button below to read the full article!


FRACTURE: A Math Haunted House – A Riveting Success in Central Seattle!


Empowering Math Education: Tracy Drinkwater's Interview on SAi Television