5 Tips on How to Support Your Student During Standardized Testing

As standardized testing season approaches, many parents find themselves wondering how they can best support their children through this stressful time. While these tests can be a source of anxiety for students, there are several strategies parents can employ to help their children navigate this period with confidence and resilience. 

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Below, we offer five tips on how you can provide emotional support to your student:

  1. Foster a Positive Attitude

    Encouragement and positivity can go a long way in helping your child approach standardized testing with confidence. Remind them that these tests are just one measure of their abilities and that they have been preparing diligently in school. Emphasize the importance of doing their best rather than achieving a specific score. By framing the testing experience in a positive light, you can help alleviate some of the pressure your child may be feeling.

  2. Provide Emotional Support

    During testing season, children may experience a range of emotions, from nervousness to frustration. Be attuned to your child's feelings and offer them emotional support. Listen to their concerns without judgment and validate their feelings. Reassure them that it's normal to feel anxious but that you believe in their abilities. Offer words of encouragement and remind them of past successes to boost their confidence.

  3. Maintain a Healthy Routine

    Leading up to standardized testing, it's important to prioritize your child's physical well-being. Ensure they are getting enough sleep each night, eating balanced meals, and engaging in regular physical activity. A healthy lifestyle can improve concentration, memory, and overall cognitive function, all of which are crucial for performing well on tests. Avoid scheduling any major events or activities that may disrupt your child's routine during this time.

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  4. Encourage Effective Test-Taking Strategies

    Help your child develop effective test-taking strategies that can improve their performance and reduce anxiety. Teach them techniques such as time management, skipping difficult questions and coming back to them later, and utilizing the process of elimination when answering multiple-choice questions. Encourage them to read each question carefully and to answer to the best of their ability, reminding them that they don't need to know everything to succeed.

  5. Celebrate Effort and Progress

    Regardless of the outcome, celebrate your child's effort and progress during standardized testing season! Acknowledge the hard work they put into preparing for the tests and praise their resilience in the face of challenges. Focus on their growth and improvement rather than solely on their scores. Remind them that standardized tests are just one part of their academic journey and that their worth is not defined by a single test result.

Final Thoughts - You and your child are doing great!

Standardized testing season can be a stressful time for students (and parents, too!), but with the right support and encouragement from parents, children can navigate this period with confidence and resilience. 

By fostering a positive attitude, providing emotional support, maintaining a healthy routine, encouraging effective test-taking strategies, and celebrating effort and progress, parents can help their children succeed not only during testing season, but also in their academic endeavors beyond.

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