A Heartfelt Thank You to Our Amazing Community!

We have some exciting news to share! Our team recently participated in the BECU 2023 People Helping People Awards, and thanks to your incredible support, we achieved a remarkable feat: making it to the final 18 out of a staggering 900 nominations! This is a significant milestone for us, and it wouldn't have been possible without your belief in our mission.

While we didn't secure the top award this time, the journey to the finals fills us with immense pride and joy. It's a clear indication that our efforts are resonating and making an impact. Your encouragement and support are the lifeblood of our work, and for that, we are deeply grateful. This recognition is as much yours as it is ours.

Looking ahead, we're brimming with excitement for what the next year holds. With your continued backing, we're confident that we can reach even greater heights and, hopefully, clinch that coveted first place in the future!

As we reflect on this incredible journey, we want to express our sincerest appreciation for your unwavering support and encouragement. You inspire us to keep striving for excellence and making a difference. Here's to a fantastic year ahead, filled with new challenges, opportunities, and shared successes. Together, let's make it a year to remember!

Thank you once again for being a pivotal part of our journey. Your support means the world to us.


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